I Was Bored, Frustrated, and Lonely… and I Freaked Out

LonelinessOkay, next instalment in my truth vomit series.

In episode one, I talked about how over the course of The Love Vitamin’s life (about 5 years now), I have been on two separate journeys.

The first one was my journey with figuring out my skin, my health, my diet, my emotions… messing around and experimenting, and then blogging about it.

This journey has slowed down in recent times because I’ve pretty much found my groove, health and acne wise. And because everything in my life had been going really well.

The second was my journey with the creative and business side of The Love Vitamin. The behind the scenes stuff that took up a huge chunk of my time.

As I said in the other article:

This is the part that I don’t really blog about, because, well, it’s not a business blog. But this was and is a huge part of my life. In the background, I spent many many hours of my life working behind the scenes on The Love Vitamin.

By this, I mean all of the hats that I wear to keep this thing going… the writing, the editing, the graphic design, getting the word out about the site, updating social media and newsletters, connecting with readers, figuring out technical stuff, managing contractors…

The formulating my principle, cohesive method of acne treatment that I want to teach (which took years, as this was the results of my health and skin care experimentation mentioned above), writing the ebooks and the programs and constantly updating them, answering questions in my private Academy forums … updating the look of the website… the, just… everything.

And all of it has been so much fun. Difficult at times, but awesome.

The slowing down of this journey is what we’re going to talk about today, and the problem that lead to for me.

The following post is pretty dang personal, so, uh.. judge me gently :)

My Blog Journey Slows Down

With the creative & business side of the blog, I had always had this vague goal of “completion” that I was working towards…

By that, I mean that I had formulated my comprehensive method of acne treatment, created a comprehensive and detailed program that teaches it, and finally had a really awesome website design.

The blog and my services, of course, would still go on, but everything else would be mostly in place (for a while, at least).

This process took four years of more than full time work, and in October of 2014, I finally got there.

And at that point, I wasn’t really sure where to take the website and business from there. What was the goal from there?

I didn’t know and I still don’t know.

That, plus the fact that I’ve lived and breathed acne and this blog for four years, I decided, you know what? I am going to allow myself some time to just not focus on it so much and do other things while I figure out what’s next in my life (whether it’s the evolution of The Love Vitamin or something else).

In other words, I was just going to take some “time off” so to speak.

So… as a result of the fact that I was no longer so much on my health and acne journey, and now I wasn’t so much on my business and creative journey either….

Well, suddenly I found myself with a lot of free time to fill and not really sure what sort of meaningful things to fill it with.

Now, I am not asking for sympathy… oh I have free time, poor me.


Mel knows what I’m talkin’ about

But for me, at least, too much free time can be a curse. I tend to crave periods of time when I have little to no obligations, and I always think it’s going to be the best thing in the world! Free time to do anything I want! FREEEDOOOOMM!!! Woooo!!

Except I’ve realized over time that I feel most fulfilled when I have a goal. I end up just getting really miserable when I don’t have a meaningful life goal to work towards.

That’s why The Love Vitamin, when I was in the thick of it, was so amazing for me. Reaching the goal wasn’t where the happiness was… the working towards it was the joy.

The journey, in this case, really was the destination, if we want to get all cliche about it.

It’s just that if I have a bunch of free time, doing a bunch of random or routine things with no clear goal or burning passion to them (despite them being enjoyable activities), then I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels.

What’s the point? Where am I going?

I like change, excitement, trying and learning new things… so new and interesting projects with goals and end dates work better for me. Repeating routine activities starts to really wear me down.

So, too much of that and I start getting really restless.

Let Me Paint You A Picture…

So, let me paint a picture for you of my recent summer and fall.

First of all, Luke was away a lot. He is a kayak guide and had a particularly busy summer, so he was away guiding tours much more than he was home. And after that, in October and November, he went to work for six weeks with a company in northern Manitoba that does polar bear tours.

I love having time to myself, so normally I don’t mind at all when he’s away. Generally it’s good for our relationship to have time apart.

But this year it was nearly six months of him being mostly away… so… you know. It was a bit much. There was a lot of distance growing there.

Secondly, we are the type of people who do best with just a few really, really close buddies. The type of peeps who are exactly on your wavelength and they need you like you need them… the ones who just assume you’ll be hanging out together that week, because who else are you both going to be hanging with?

I feel like I need this.. those tight friends in addition to my relationship with Luke … to feel truly happy.

But it seemed like all of our close friends like that had moved away from town.

I also work from home and tend on the side of hermit… I have plenty of great acquaintances, but meeting and making new close friends is not exactly easy for me.

Ok, I do really love the house...

Ok, I do really love the house…

Another problem was that we had recently bought our own home, which was another life goal that I had been working towards and was now complete… and while I love the house and am super stoked about it, it was just that… well, home and garden maintenance and repairs are huge jobs…

Luke had pretty much been away since we bought it, and while the work was enjoyable, I slowly began feeling frustrated with how much there was to do, and lonely and overwhelmed that I felt like I was doing it all myself.

This obviously wasn’t Luke’s fault since he was away working, but still.. it was supposed to be OUR home, and it wasn’t feeling that way. I was desperately wanting to do this together.

I started to feel a little trapped, and began wondering if home ownership was all it’s cracked up to be.

So here I was at home… too much free time, no meaningful work, no friends, mostly no husband. And a whole lot of “what now?”

But I Actually Had a Pretty Good Summer, Despite All that…

But here’s the thing… despite all that, I didn’t actually have a bad summer, so I didn’t realize how truly miserable I was getting at home.

See, there was one thing I totally fell in love with this year that I just wanted to do all the time, and that was rock climbing.

Craggin' in the Rockies

Craggin’ in the Rockies

I have rock climbed here and there over the years… I always liked it and thought “that’s something I want to get more into one day”.

And that day was now, as I suddenly had the time, the means to buy the equipment, and the desire to really learn the ropes. And when I did that, I totally fell in love.

It felt so exciting and empowering.

Problem is, there is only limited outdoor climbing in our town, no indoor gym, and, of course, with no friends in town and Luke away all the time, I started taking constant trips out of town to go to festivals and climb rocks with my close friends.

So I actually had a lot of fun, but it was a major juxtoposition. No fun at home and extremely lonely, and a TON of fun out of town with other people, doing something that just lit me up.

The Perfect Storm

Perfect Storm

George Clooney knows what I’m talkin’ about

Basically, it was the set up for a perfect storm when I happened to meet a friend of a friend this summer who I connected with quickly and started having pretty strong feelings for, and could tell he felt the same way.

I have never ever had this happen before while in a relationship. Not even hardly a passing attraction to anyone else, so this was all very new.

At first, I thought… well, whatever.

I don’t really believe in “the one”… I think there are many people in this world that it is possible to have a really amazing relationship with, and in however many years of marriage, surely it’s bound to happen that you’re going to end up being attracted to someone else somewhere along the line.

I’ll just ignore it.

But slowly I found myself getting more and more emotionally wrapped up in it, and started spending way too much time with him (he is also really into rock climbing). It felt so good, when everything at home seemed so lonely.

I was firmly allowing myself to get drawn away and into the fantasy of a different life.

Oh, The Confusion

Which obviously caused a great deal of stressful confusion for me…

Luke and I have a really great relationship. We have a lot of love, respect, and fun together. We work so well. Up until now, our relationship of five years has been smooth as glass.

So it’s not like I could actually picture us breaking up! I didn’t want to break up! I love him! …. but then why was I feeling this way!? What the heck was going on?

When I realized just how emotionally deep things were getting, the other guy and I agreed to cut off all contact, and then I got prepared to talk it out with Luke.

Luke was still in Manitoba at this point, and I felt like this wasn’t something to discuss over Skype, so I spent a couple weeks by myself just absolutely freaking out over the situation.

I found out (or was reminded, I suppose) what a basket case I am when something is going really wrong in my life.

My mind goes nuts, I spend all day pacing and talking to myself, I can’t concentrate or focus on anything else, and I can’t eat because I feel sick to my stomach.

I basically went non-functional, and in this case, all my stress management tools seemed to go out the window.

But anyway, by the time Luke got back and we talked it out, I had finally started to put two and two together.

No I didn’t actually want to break up. I was just feeling miserable at home… frustrated, bored, lonely, abandoned perhaps, and I was pulling Luke into the negativity (none of which was his fault), and then trying to run away from it all.

I hadn’t figured it out until then because I didn’t realize how negative I was truly feeling… these feelings built up slowly, and were overshadowed by the good feelings I was having out of town with other people.

When we talked, Luke got it right away. This is the lovely thing about Luke: he’s extremely understanding, and he knows me apparently better than I know myself. I am really lucky to have him.

Right away, he knew the truth: I have escapist tendencies. He knew I loved him… but I was just doing the same old thing I always do.

The Escapist Me

I need to put this sign on my wall

I need to put this sign on my wall

You see, I have always had a habit of moving from place to place, thing to thing, assuming the next place or adventure will make me happier than where I am now.

If I don’t feel perfectly amazing at any given time, my default knee-jerk reaction is always to make sweeping changes to my location or environment, assuming it will make me feel better.

Of course, that’s only to find that it’s all still the same, and I’m still me.

The only time I’ve managed to legitimately quell these tendencies, was when I was engrossed in the passion of The Love Vitamin process. When I felt meaningfully fulfilled within myself, I felt no reason to run.

Now that my journey with that has started winding down, the old escapist me has tried to make a sneaky come back.

So luckily he didn’t hold any of this against me. He knew it was just a new reincarnation of me being me, and that our love wasn’t really dead.

We were booked to head to South America a week later, and we agreed that after all this time apart, this trip would probably be what we needed to reconnect; doing something fun and exciting together away from home.

We also, at the last minute, decided to do something pretty wild while we were there, as a way to process, purge, and grow together from this recent experience…

And that was the shamanic medicine from the jungles of Peru: Ayahuasca. If you’ve never heard of this before, it’s pretty out there… so get ready for some freaky stuff next week.

Stay tuned.

The post I Was Bored, Frustrated, and Lonely… and I Freaked Out appeared first on The Love Vitamin.

11 Tips to Get More Out Of Your Retinoid

When it comes to anti-aging skin care, retinoids are the gold standard. They’re the active ingredient most proven to actually reverse wrinkles, fine lines, skin tone irregularities. They also help acne. You can read more about how retinoids work in skin care, an old post on this site, but the basics are still the same.
The problem is, retinoids make it hard to love them. They are

Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Apply Retinoids


Ask DB Rentinoid_Main

AskDrBailey3Hello Dr. Bailey,

I have a question. I am considering getting a prescription retinoid, possibly renova in the lowest concentration since I think it is best for anti-aging purposes. My concern is that I really don’t want the irritation and dryness that comes with using prescription retinoid. Is there any way to avoid irritation or is there a guarantee that irritation would occur if I decided to use prescription tretinoin?

I love the impact of retinoids for slowing skin aging. I have used them myself for over 30 years and have thousands of patients using them too, including people with sensitive complexions. I have written extensively on why I love retinoids on both my blog and on the information-packed pages of our online store. I have also written on how I use them in my practice. Here, I want to recap the skin care benefits of retinoids:

Retinoids can help:

  • Boost your skin’s collagen turnover to help fight wrinkles and skin aging
  • Increase epidermal cell turnover to brighten your complexion and to help prevent clogged pores, which is one of the key steps credited to starting acne
  • Even out uneven pigment in sun spots and melasma
  • Reverse the early steps in pre-cancer and skin cancer cell formation

The bottom line is that there are so many reasons to use a retinoid product that I prescribe them abundantly!  Remember, however, if you are using a prescription product, it is your prescribing doctor that is 100% in charge of how you use the medicine, including the steps you use to reduce or prevent irritation.


Retinol Intensive Night Cream

To help lower the risk of retinoid irritation and retinoid dermatitis, I counsel patients to “start low and work slow” to incorporate a retinoid into their skin care routine. This is because skin has to adjust to retinoid therapy. All other products used often need to be adjusted for sensitive skin to tolerate a retinoid. 

This advice applies to ALL retinoids. In my practice, I have patients on different forms of retinoid skin care products because both prescription and non-prescription products work well. Many people choose to use our non-prescription Retinol Intensive Night Cream for its convenience and because many people find it less irritating than Retin-A. Both I and my aesthetician incorporate our Retinol Cream into skin care routines as a night cream. Remember that retinoids are inactivated on contact with light, so they should be applied right before bed for the best results.

I always stress that any professional product like Tretinoin or my Retinol Night Cream be used in a supportive complete skin care routine for best results. This is particularly important with a retinoid used on sensitive skin. Also, retinoids can make skin more sun sensitive, so sun protection products have to be taken into consideration too.

To recap: with retinoid therapy, all products including cleansers, correcting products, moisturizers and sunscreens need to be chosen to support results and reduce the risk of skin irritation and sun sensitivity.


Toleriane Cleanser

In my practice, I build a complete skin care routine for retinoid use as follows:

Naturally Hydrating Pore-Minimizing Facial Toner

Naturally Hydrating Pore-Minimizing Facial Toner

Skin Cleansing: I choose a cleanser that is not irritating for a person’s retinoid treated skin. Options for sensitive skin include Toleriane Cleanser or other soapless cleansers designed for sensitive skin. For an extra level of clean, my Hydrating Toner works well to get the last vestiges of product, dirt and oil off skin without drying.

Oily and acne-prone skin often do well with my Foaming Acne Cleanser or Glytone Gel Wash Cleanser. Also, my simple Naturally Best Bar Soap works for many skin types and is super economical!  All these products can be used with a Clarisonic System, a facial Buf Puf, a wash cloth or your hands depending on which is best tolerated. 

Complexion Correcting Products: With retinoid use, I add water-binding and irritation-fighting products such as my Instantly Luminous Serum and my Green Tea Antioxidant Power of Three Cream. The combination helps to soothe early irritation. These are applied right after cleansing skin in the morning. At night, the correcting step is the retinol product which can be applied after the Serum and Green Tea or alone.

Instantly Luminous Multi-Action Serum

Instantly Luminous Multi-Action Serum

Skin Hydration is balanced with the Serum plus a moisturizer that fits your complexion. Favorite options include my Facial Creams for Dry or Oily skin and my natural Lotion or Butter for extremely dry skin. These are compatible with all my products.

Sun Protection is critical, and the last product applied every day!!  Makeup, if used, goes on top and is NOT a substitute for sunscreen. Pick the right sunscreen matched for your complexion and product preferences using my sunscreen guide which helps you see the important characteristics that matter when choosing the sunscreen that is right for you.

All Natural Face and Body Butter Cream

All Natural Face and Body Butter Cream

With retinoid use, I stress building a complete routine because, using one product alone, is not as powerful as using supporting products if you want good results. Patients and clients in our office tell us every day how happy they are with their complexion once they start using retinoids along with their complete skin care routine. Interestingly, the more years they use the retinoids, the more obvious it is that retinoids really do slow skin aging.

I’m a big fan of retinoid skin care, in case you haven’t noticed! Whether prescription Tretinoin or non-prescription professional Retinol as in my Retinol Intensive Night Cream, almost every complexion stands to benefit from the power of topical retinoids.

Best wishes with your retinoid therapy!

Warm Regards,

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

Disclaimer: Please realize that availing yourself of the opportunity to submit and receive answers to your questions from Dr. Bailey does not confer a doctor/patient relationship with Dr. Bailey. The information provided by Dr. Bailey is general health information inspired by your question. It should not be a substitute for obtaining medical advice from your physician and is not intended to diagnose or treat any specific medical problem (and is not an extension of the care Dr. Bailey has provided in her office for existing patients of her practice). Never ignore your own doctor’s advice because of something you read here; this information is for general informational purpose only.


Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Apply Retinoids is a post from: Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog

The post Ask Dr. Bailey: How to Apply Retinoids appeared first on Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog.

The Best Drugstore Lippie Formulations

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Just last week I shared my favorite long lasting red lippies, and while there were some drugstore products in that list, there were also some big splurges! (What else would you call a Chanel? That’s definitely a big splurge!)
Today for Makeup Wars we’re sharing our favorite drugstore lippies. I thought that rather than sharing specific

Weekend Beauty Reads from The Beauty Spotlight Team

Need a new scent this Winter? Enter Pammy Blogs Beauty’s Giveaway for Beyonce’s NEW Heat Kissed Fragrance!
Beauty Info Zone is all for skincare that makes us look and feel younger. We like Dr. Brandt’s Dr. Brandt 3-D Filler Mask so much that we’re giving away 3 deluxe mini sizes so you can look younger than springtime.
Allison from Never Say Die Beauty finally got to try out the natural,

NARSissist Toujours L’Amour Eyeshadow Palette Review and Swatches

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Have you seen the newest NARS shadow palette yet? It is everything. Everything.
The shadows are just a little bit creamy almost, very well pigmented, and they blend very well. They last all day, but I still recommend using them over a lid primer as usual. I love that the palette has a nice range of neutral shadows but a few not-crazy accent colors

Get Your Sexy On—With or Without Surgery

couple discussing liposuction alternatives in sugar land texas

There is a lot of pressure in our society to have the perfect body. The reality is that no one has the perfect body.

How can we say that?

Because even the most fit people in the world will find something that they would like to improve. It’s just a part of the culture.

However, many people who are obese, and really want to get rid of excess body fat are not keen on the idea of going through surgery, such as liposuction.

Well, fortunately for all the anti-surgery folks out there, there are several liposuction alternatives available. And the great thing is many of them incorporate your body’s natural ability to shed fat, which allows your body to do the work for you … we just help!

What is liposuction?

When people talk about liposuction, many of them are referring to a surgical removal of fat. This used to be the only way to achieve the removal of fat cells. To literally suck them out of the body.

While traditional lipo does give immediate results, the recovery period can be lengthy, and the patients can experience a significant amount of post-operative pain and bruising. And you’ll need several weeks away from your normal activities to recover.

Of course, all of these side effects do fade within a couple weeks and what’s left is your desired results.

Are there alternatives to liposuction?

There are several liposuction alternatives that have been approved by the FDA and are effective at reducing fatty tissue in specific areas of the body. One newly approved procedure that is premiering at Carr Dermatology is SculpSure.

This is a non-surgical procedure that targets the body fat in the specific area you desire, with the added bonus of having no painful recovery, excessive bruising, and no time away from your normal routine or activities.

Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires the use of anesthesia, with SculpSure, you are fully awake during the procedure, and simply resting comfortably in our office.

In just 25-minutes you will be on your way to saying good-bye to your stubborn body fat. There is no need for any extended rest post-treatment, and no time lost from your day. You can immediately resume your regular activities and feel great while you do it! However, SculpSure results are not instant. Full results can be seen within 12-weeks post-procedure. 

Who should get what?

There are ideal candidates for liposuction, and for alternative treatments, like SculpSure. The ideal candidates for traditional liposuction are often looking for dramatic change, to lose 30 lbs. or more.

Also, many candidates are interested in additional procedures such as lifts and tucks to go along with the liposuction. These procedures are designed for people who have a significant amount of body fat that they wish to remove from specific areas quickly.

Conversely, SculpSure is better suited for people who just want to remove stubborn body fat that has been resistant to diet and exercise in specific areas of the body. It’s is designed for people within 30 lbs of their idea body weight that was to address smaller, stuck-on areas of stubborn fat that may cause some body image frustration, but that pose no actual health risk.

Call us today

Call us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Pamela Carr and let her team design a liposuction plan that will work for you!

The post Get Your Sexy On—With or Without Surgery appeared first on Carr Dermatology.

Great Red Lippies for Valentine’s Day

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If you’re going to wear a great red lipstick, lip stain or lip gloss, then Valentine’s Day is the best day to do it!
But, with a red lippie, the look is highly dependent upon having perfect application. Which means you can’t just slick some more on while running around doing errands or at work. I actually need to use a mirror! So, I look for formulations that

Love Your Skin for Valentine’s Day! (Infographic)

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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, now is the time to show your love – to your skin! Whether you have a date this holiday with a significant other or a significant book, set aside an evening this week to shower love and attention on your skin and pamper yourself. Think of it as a date with yourself!

Dr. Bailey is a big advocate of taking care of your skin everyday, not just once a year. But just like we love to have that extra reminder of romance from our significant other (at least) once a year, take time to love on your skin a little extra this week too. We’ve compiled a list of things to do on your date along with some tips and pointers from Dr. Bailey that will make your skin extra happy.

If you want to treat yourself (and your skin!) to some of our favorite products, stop by our online store to purchase Dr. Bailey’s All Natural Face and Body Cream and Instantly Luminous Multi-Action Serum.

We’d love to hear from you! When was the last time you took an evening to show extra love to your skin? What are your favorite pampering tips? Let us know in the comments.

The information in the Dr. Bailey Skin Care web site, and related links, articles, newsletters and blogs, is provided for general information and educational purposes only. It is the opinion of Dr. Cynthia Bailey, or other indicated authors. Consult your physician or health care provider for any specific medical conditions or concerns you may have. (This also applies to patients in her medical practice; the information here is not a substitute for, or an extension of, the medical care she provides for you.) Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read here. Use the information and products on this site at your own risk. Use of this site indicates your agreement with these statements and the Terms and Conditions of DrBaileySkinCare.com. If you do not agree to all of these Terms and Conditions of use, please do not use this site!


Love Your Skin for Valentine’s Day! (Infographic) is a post from: Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog

The post Love Your Skin for Valentine’s Day! (Infographic) appeared first on Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog.